Care Home Construction, Cheshire

  • Client: Exemplar Healthcare
  • Sector: Healthcare
  • Type: JCT Traditional Form with CDP
  • Procurement Method: Competitive Tender
  • Location: Whitby, Cheshire
  • Project Value: c £3M

New Build Care Home Construction Cheshire

The project features 20 large individual bedrooms with en-suite facilities, visitors suite, activity, therapy and quiet lounge areas, along with dedicated separate lounge and dining areas on each floor, and a commercial catering kitchen and laundry. The scheme will provide first-class residential facilities for the local community.

The Challenge

The build challenge includes a brownfield site with existing services, ground contamination and limited access due to the only entrance and exit being onto a busy main A road. Making sure all deliveries do not affect close preschool users when dropping off or picking up children, taking into consideration the safety of younger people when deliveries are being made. Disruption to the local area being kept to a minimum, working with the nearby residents to create time frames which work for everyone.

Working during the spread of Covid-19 and government restrictions.The planning for this project has been difficult and a 3rd floor had been removed to matters such as lightning, noise and boundary treatments needed full consideration.

The Solution & Key Achievements

To make sure the deliveries didn’t affect the residents a time frame was created to minimise any disruption or congestion made in the nearby area especially as the site entrance and exit was off a main road. The nearby preschool and local people were informed about delivery timings and when noisy or heavy plant and machinery was planned to be used on site for the safety of their staff and pupils.

Covid-19 was also handled with both Pacy and Wheatley staff, site managers and subcontractors carrying out weekly covid-19 tests for the safety of themselves and others around them and social distancing measures were used on site. Small load deliveries were used to keep wagons off the busy A road, i.e., able to pull onto site. Congestion was kept to an absolute minimum.

Offsite drainage connection and S278/550 entrance works were don correctly to avoid 2 or more road closures. The original sites were tested, and contaminated materials removed off site. All new soils and imported materials used were suitably certified and the site received a remediation compliance sign off to meet planning requirements.

Local school involvement – assembly and community involvement. Given the location of the site and surrounding residential properties the design of lightning for external car parks and landscape areas have been difficult and concluded with a mix of building mounted, column and low-level bollards to ensure levels of illumination with regulation and the employer requirements.

Acoustics perimeter fencing was erected to help reduce any potential noise from the building tenants and surrounding residential houses.

Testimonial - James Mell

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